Colorful language flows from the fingertips, as it does from the lips of this spouse-made farm girl, but in this crazy life we all need some colorful discussion to distract us from our own, everyday craziness! In here, we do DIY, farm life, and a lot more!

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Our Favorite Lawn & Garden Products

Our Favorite Lawn & Garden Products

Sometimes we stumble across something cool, or have an item recommended to us by a friend. When it’s something we could use on the farm, in the house, or just something we think is pretty neat, we’ll add a link to the top of this list of favorite products. As always, like us, follow us, subscribe, and let us know about any items you think we should add!

Welcome to Our Farm

Gates Hill Farm is a small, solar-powered farm, nestled in the mountains of western Maine. Five years into our journey, the man of the house lost his leg in an accident, which prompted us to live life a little more fully…and a little more simply. We camp, we raise kids and critters, we drive tractors and atvs, we cut hay and have cookouts…we live and love, and work and play up here on our 103 acre farm. It’s a little messy (ok, maybe a lot messy) and you always have to watch where you step, but we wouldn’t trade this life for anything!.